Saturday, June 21, 2008

Young Love

It's so interesting to watch Jameson when he is around other kids. At home he is so goofy and free. He changes a little when he's out in public. Yesterday we went to a really cool park here in West Seattle. It's called Whale Tail Park. It's just one block off the water and has lots of play equiptment and a huge beautiful grassy field to play in.

I met some of my Peps friends and their kids there for a playdate. One little girl though Jameson was irrisistable and wanted to give him a hug. She was so sweet and notice the look on Jameson's face. He either wasn't too keen on the idea of being hugged or he just thought he was too cool to be hugged. It's hard to tell.

Here she comes. She's thinking about hugging him. He's playing coy and pretends he doesn't see her. That's SO "high school"...

He turns around to find her awkardly moving in.

Notice he hasn't moved an inch. He's neither going to accept or deny this gesture of affection. I'm having flashbacks to one of my old boyfriends...Jameson, at least LOOK at her!

Uh oh...I think she wants another hug.

Jameson turns away giving her the cold shoulder. I love the look on his face here. You can tell he's thouroughly annoyed.

He's outta there!

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